Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pregnant Man

Click on the picture for full article in English
It is just like any Lesbian women who decides to dress and beautify herself in a masculine manner but chooses to get pregnant. I can't believe the part where s/he claims in the article that his wife's family can't even tell that he was a woman, where will he hide that growing belly?!
If he is married to a women, it only means that the wife is gay too. Otherwise, with him not giving up his sexual organs, how can they do it??

and it all gets a bit confusing...I can't help but think that the picture is photo-shopped!

If anyone knows when his/her interview will be with Oprah, please let me know


Unknown said...

I'm all for being nonjudgemental, but this time it's just too damn much! :S

eshda3wa said...

this is too confusing
pick a side n stick to it!

Babbler said...

snookie & eshda3wa :
It is a it too much and confusing!!
I'm even thinking that it could be an April's fool joke, no?