Thursday, December 25, 2008

The past 181 days

Boy they passed so fast..

Following the disappointment of the electoral results, I retreated into my disappointments with this land. Soon after, I set sails to a land miles and miles away and had to leave my most precious other half behind.

How did I manage? I am not sure.

All I know that during the last 181 days, I established my grounds onto a new land, I made a little humble home, I made new acquaintances, I made new friends and I had to persevere with new experiences.

Was it difficult? Yes it was, but I would have never done it without the love and support of my other half.

I can't wait to see you in 28 hrs from now.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


و أنا طالعة للدوام اليوم شدني شكل الخيام المنصوبة للمقار الانتخابية. كانوا مهجورين و شكلهم كئييب و كأنهم يرثون لحال الكويت..حال الحركة السياسية اللا ديمقراطية..حال النتائج الانتخابية الوضيعة. ما قدرت أطلع من البيت اليوم إلى أن سمعت النتائج الأولية من عملية الفرز و صراحة قبضني قلبي لما ما سمعت عن نجاح المرأة و أصابني مغص في بطني لما سمعت عن نجاح الحركة السلفية و حسيت بوجع في الرأس لما شممت رائحة القبلية. هل يا ترى الوضع سيكون مختلف لو أن الأربعون في المائة الذين امتنعوا عن التصويت صوتوا؟

المجتمع الكويتي صار مكون من 3 شرائح: 40% يريدون الرجوع إلى الوراء و 40% فقدوا الأمل بالسير للأمام و ال20% المتفائلون الذين لا يمكنهم إنقاذ الكويت. و توقعاتي المستقبلية بأن شريحة فقدان الأمل ستكبر و من ثم شريحة الرجوع إلى الوراء ستصبح أقوى و تلتهم الكويت تماما فبوادر الالتهام الأولية واضحة...

في رأسي الكثير من الأسئلة و لكن من أهمها هو: كيف يفوز مرشح مطلوب في قضية شراء أصوات؟ لماذا لم يتحدن نساء الكويت بشكل أقوى؟

أنا أعلم أنه لا يوجد ردود منطقية لجميع تساؤلاتي, فلذلك سأكتمهم في داخلي و أستمر في حزني على مستقبل الكويت الضائع.

للعلم النتائج إلى الآن هي:

الدائرة الأولى

الدائرة الثانية

الدائرة الثالثة

الدائرة الرابعة

الدائرة الخامسة

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Skype is blocked

Skype got blocked by the Ministry!
What a load of bullocks!!!!!

Update: Just to clarify matters, the site is blocked if you are on KEMS only. the actual software is not blocked. You will log-in and use it as you normally do. However, their website is blocked. Therefore, if you wish to download or update the software, it won't allow you. In addition to the difficulties in topping-up your account if you normally do it through the Skype account.
My question is: why KEMS but not Qnet? Can someone find out if this is a mistake or will Qnet follow?


In earlier posts, I said that I was not going to vote simply because I felt that there were no worthy candidates running this time. As much as I was excited about women gaining their political rights in Kuwait, I was equally disappointed about them completely neglecting the multitude of important issues concerning women in Kuwait. This of course is singling out the candidate Ms. Almagheet, who candidly suggested that Kuwait should only allow 'ugly' demostic-workers so that wives can clamp down on their husband's infidelities.

So, voting is what I did today and it was my first time ever. I thought things were very organised, though I did create a bit of a mess when I unintentionally crashed myself into a queue. I hope I made the right choice...

Good luck everyone, counting will start shortly...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Only minutes ago, Alrai and Alwatan Tv channels announced that Sheikh Saad had passed away. May his soul rest in peace
Condolences Alsabah
Condolences Kuwait

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blogger Alfarhan Freed

Blogger Alfarhan was arrested in December for expressing his views towards the Saudi government. He was released on the 26th of April and is at home with his family.
For more details click here.

Congratulations Fouad!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

الكويت هنأت الدنمارك بعيدها

Quoting from Alwatan Newspaper today:

"بعث حضرة صاحب السمو امير البلاد الشيخ صباح الاحمد الجابر الصباح حفظه الله ورعاه ببرقية تهنئة الى الملكة مارغريت الثانية ملكة مملكة الدنمارك الصديقة عبر فيها عن خالص تهانيه بمناسبة العيد الوطني لبلادها.
كما بعث سمو ولي العهد الشيخ نواف الاحمد الجابر الصباح وسمو رئيس مجلس الوزراء الشيخ ناصر المحمد الاحمد الجابر الصباح حفظهما الله ببرقيتي تهنئة مماثلتين.

"تاريخ النشر: الخميس 17/4/2008

It made me laugh in fits, I wonder what happened to our lovely friends who wanted to throw the Danish ambassador out of the country?

حامض على بوزكم يا اسلاميين

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spanish first woman defence minister

(Click on the picture for more details)
The new Spanish government appointed their first female defense minister. At the prime age of 37 and seven months pregnancy, I wish this lady the best of luck. (She is the one with white top, fourth from the left)

She made me feel proud seeing her strutting her baby bump to the troops on EuroNews.

Now, what does Waleed Altabtabie feel about this? hmmmm

Monday, April 14, 2008

Move on..

Fascinating how I am reading increasingly more articles which state that segregation stems from a cultural need, and there are no religious grounds for it. Just fascinating.
Mr. Almuttar, a student in the Faculty of Political Sciences; spends 2/3's of his articles citing research proving that segregation increases students' schooling potential. He raves on saying that since the US and Bush are advocating segregation, then it must be the way forward. Puzzling that those Kuwaitis who exemplify the US when convenient, are the same who justify the actions of terrorism. They are just the same people who said that women should not have their political rights, but once women were granted; they rushed to preach that voting is a religious and Godly duty.

On a much brighter note:
Kuwait Public Transport Company (KPTC), Ministry of interior and the Ministry of Education have started a new initiative in an attempt to tackle the ever worsening traffic congestion problem. They created the mottamen campaign which aims at transporting students from their homes to school and back via specially designated air-conditioned buses. The vehicles operate from September to June. Apparently, they have cut down on the traffic problem in Romaithiya by 70%. Bit by bit, they will expand the project so that eventually they cover all of Kuwait. I hope our proud, golden-spoon-fed and eccentric Kuwaiti bright students along with their parents will show full participation.

I say..way to go Kuwait, I hope you keep it up.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pregnant Man

Click on the picture for full article in English
It is just like any Lesbian women who decides to dress and beautify herself in a masculine manner but chooses to get pregnant. I can't believe the part where s/he claims in the article that his wife's family can't even tell that he was a woman, where will he hide that growing belly?!
If he is married to a women, it only means that the wife is gay too. Otherwise, with him not giving up his sexual organs, how can they do it??

and it all gets a bit confusing...I can't help but think that the picture is photo-shopped!

If anyone knows when his/her interview will be with Oprah, please let me know

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Every newspaper in Kuwait is dedicating a section to cover the "democratic" activity in Kuwait. Some are biased and others are unbiased. However; I never thought that it was allowed for the papers to label candidates for the elections based on their sect. Specifically, AlSeyasah paper lists a table of all the individuals running for elections with a column indicating their Islamic sect!
By doing so, we are emphasizing sectarian divisions rather than political affiliations. It is a known fact that every runner-up indicates to which party they belong to. However, their religious believes have nothing to do with their political party. As much as I support freedom of expression in Kuwait, papers should try to stay as impartial as possible. Meaning no advertising and no bias...only coverage.

the government has to do something about getting this round of elections right for the obvious reasons:
1. Two many constitutional dissolutions.
2. Women will be involved as voters and candidates.
3. Five constituencies for the first time.

Otherwise, we will only get yet another dissolution and yet another resignation....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

حسافة عليج يالكويت

للأسف هذي الانتخابات الثانية إلي راح تمر و ما راح أقدر أشارك فيها. أول مرة كنت حاجزة أسافر و ما قدرت أغير و كنت حزتها أظن أن السفارات راح تفتح الأبواب على مصراعيها للمسافرين الهاربين من لهيب الصيف على شان يصوتون في شتى أنحاء العالم. و لكن لا! الحكومة كانت راضية بالي قعدوا بالديرة و هذا بالرغم من أن قبل عامين كانت أول مرة المرأة تشارك بالانتخابات.

و الحين انحل المجلس و جاءت الفرصة بأن أستخدم حقي السياسي, بس شنو صار؟ اكتشفت أن يوم اعلان الحل أغلقوا أبواب التسجيل. اهو بالضبط متى فتح على شان يغلق؟ شنو هاعفسه!!!!!!!!!!!!

عاد اشدعوا راح أقدر أعرف أعطي صوتي لأحد؟ النواب صاروا حالهم حال بعض, بس يبي يوصل المجلس و يغير القوانين على شان ينفع نفسه و أهله بمعنى آخر أن يزيد الفساد. لا و الحين مع الدوائر الخمس لا بالله الديرة راح تعتفس. يا راح نصير دولة اسلامية أو دولة قبلية, و الديمقراطية راح تضيغ بالطوشة.

فنوعا ما أنا مو متحسفه على إني ما أقدر أصوت هالسنة, لأني صوتي ما راح يغير شيء أو يضيف شيء. الديرة صاير فيها سرطان فساد متقدم جداّ و علاجه ليس بالإسئصال و لكن بالعلاج الكيماوي والإشعاعي....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

اي و الله ديرة بطيخ

Oops! guess what?
The Parliament has been dissolved
So unexpected!

إحنا شكو؟

إحنا ما صدقنا إن موضوع المنتجات الدنماركية و الإساءة للرسول خلص إلا طلع مرة ثانية. أنا بعرف شيء, يعني عادي عند ربعنا إن نسب في العالم و نعاملهم خرة و نهضم حقوقهم الإنسانية و الدينية بالإضافة الي الادعاء بأنهم كفار بس إذا اهم عبروا عن حسهم الفني لازم نسوي بلبلة سياسية و عالمية و فضائية. للعلم, في هذه الدول عندهم شيء عادي ان يرسمون كاريكاتير عن حكامهم و رؤسائهم و ملالوتهم لأن هذا يعتبر شيء اسمه حرية الرأي و التعبير. أقول, كاهم لسنوات رسموا كاريكاتير عل رسول الله عيسى! اشوف ربعنا ما قالوا شيء!!! مو اهوا نبي من أنبياء الله اسوه بغيره؟؟؟

الحين وصلت المواصيل ان يبون يطردون السفير الدنماركي بعد و الله أنا أشهد لو إن أحد الدول المسيحية قررت طرد السفير المسلم لأن يعتبر المسيحيين كفار و نجسين جان ربعنا الحين عافسين الدنيا. أنا بس أبي أقول رائي و كل واحد عنده رأي, الي ما يرضاها على نفسه لا يرضاها على غيرة.

و لا تطوفكم زبده لورباك و قيمربوك ترا أحسن شيء بالسوق

Monday, March 10, 2008


I think that there is a serious olive crisis in Kuwait. I always thought that Kuwaiti super-markets have good reserves of nice olives. This notion remained there, albeit it was getting increasingly difficult to find the same quality olives everywhere. With the current increase in products prices, good olives seem to have disappeared completely.
A couple of days ago, I was completely disgusted when my significant-other pointed out that the olives he purchased, though were fine to eat, were preserved in cooking oil! I got so turned off that I binned them the next day.
So, today I thought I'll do my own experiment. I bought some fleshy olives in brine, which I felt needed a bit longer to marinate. I mixed my own olive oil, lemon juice & rind, chili, garlic, salt and vinegar and dumped the whole thing in a jar...

let's see if this one works....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Way to go Egypt

A congratulatory note goes to Egypt for the appointment of the first female religious officiator licensed to conduct Muslim wedding ceremonies. During my latest visit to Cairo, I was in a state of shock due to the extreme religious change which had swept Egypt. I thought it would never hit that country, but it did.
However, Despite that disappointment it is always pleasant to see a governmental affinity to modernise Islam in a time when Islamist in certain countries are trying to segregate people at Universities and private educational institutions.

For the full article, please click on the picture

Happy National Day

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