I know that I have not posted anything substantial since the start of the new year, but I swear, I have been pre-occupied..
As a consequence of my ever-famous multitasking habits, I fell ill for the second time within the last 2 months. At the start, I thought it was a case of the usual seasonal cold. So, I self-medicated with plenty of Paracetamol during day time, Fludrex for night time, the drowsy coughing syrup, plenty of bed rest and liquids. I persevered with brain-melting fever which broke into night sweats for a week and a horrible chesty painful cough which only attacked when it's 10pm. I resisted my Buddha's pleas of seeing a doctor, as I genuinely thought it'll clear up.
Guess what? my Buddha did his I-told-you-so dance on me. Obviously, things took a turn to the worse. I suddenly lost all my sense of smell and taste, ear went bonkers and eye shot all red and I had lack of sleep due to extreme coughing for two nights. So, I surrendered and went to the doctor who told me that I had Bronchitis and now I am on these strong antibiotics (supposed to be fast-acting) which are making my tummy run. I am glad to say that I am feeling the early signs of recovery and it is getting me excited. I can't wait to go out and enjoy food again.
I only had that because of overloading my system. For someone who preaches about stress management, I fell a victim for an extreme case of stress mismanagement..
I promised myself to decrease my work-load...let's just hope that I stick to it!
nighty night all
Ohhh salamat buddy! Try to take it easy, ahamshay 9u7itich thuma ila'7laq hehe dont know where the latter came from- just ignore that :P
Outa curiousity did the belly flop up and down during the i told u so dance? hehe
Matshoofen shar duder :*
wv: daqaygig- Degayig? Thank your for using T-Mobile, you now have 100 whenever minutes.
That was nasty… I never did any of the stuff, Just got upset about the fact that you didn't want to listen to me from the beginning & go see a doctor and left it until it turned worse…. I was not only right hun, but you suffered an extra period unnecessarily :-(
3ayar… that was nasty .. am not talking to you for 3.25 days..ha?
Ma awa6inkom yal 7areem
change of heart..
amoot feekunna
jan6a: Allah esalmich o el shar ma eyeech (certainly not the one I faced). The belly did not flop up and down..only side to side :P
I am still feeling little run down but miles better than the past two weeks..
luckybellybuddha: witnessed all the bloggers in the world..YOU WERE RIGHT AND I AM SORRY :-) does it feel better now?
salty-c: Allah esalmich o el shar ma eyeech 7abibity..thank you :-*
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