Thursday, February 23, 2006

I know Christmas is way over: ما حكم تهنئة الكفار بعيد الكريسماس

It was one of those 'public holiday' weekends when I had on-call duties. Not many patients turned up and I got bored with reading my book for two consecutive hours. So, I decided to walk around the place for the sake of killing time.

Strangely enough, I came across this A4 sheet of paper stuck on the wall right next to the 'closed' pharmacy window. This piece of paper had the 'Fatwa alshar3eya' on sending the 'infidels' Christmas greetings. Obviously, it was only in Arabic so none of the 'infidels' can get an insight in how the believers think of them. I was selfish enough to rip the paper off the wall and keep it all for myself, as it is great for self education.
Below is part of the fatwa, obviously in Arabic, and typing it up took me over a day!

تهنئة الكفار بعيد الكريسماس أو غيره من أعيادهم الدينية حرام بالإتفاق,كما نقل ذلك ابن القيم - رحمه الله- في كتابه (أحكام أهل الذمة) , حيث قال: (و أما التهنئة بشعائر الكفر المختصة به فحرام بالإتفاق, مثل أن يهنئهم بأعيادهم و صومهم, فيقول: عيد مبارك عليك, أو: تهنأ بهذا العيد و نحوه, فهذا ان سلم قائله من الكفر فهو من المحرمات, و هو بمنزلة أن يهنئه بسجوده للصليب, بل ذلك أعظم إثما عند الله, و أشد مقتا من التهنئة بشرب الخمر و قتل النفس, و ارتكاب الفرج الحرام و نحوه, و كثير ممن لا قدر للدين عنده يقع في ذلك, و لا يدري قبح ما فعل, فمن هنأ عبداً بمعصية أو بدعة أو كفر فقد تعرض لمقت الله و سخطه. انتهى كلامه - رحمه الله
After reading this, I have come to realise that I am so going to hell....
so, who is joining me?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Face off

Hi everyone..I am not quite back, but I have a little space for an intermittent comeback. I do not care if that did not make sense, as I am ill again!!!!!!!
If you are interested, I am deeply immersed in intensive revision for an up-coming exam which I am taking voluntarily. I have been a very good student, and I am being very boring, but what to do. Since my last post, I have been accumulating a pile of 'To write on my blog' next to my bed and on my desk top and I just never got round to doing it.

So, some of you will notice that the reported news here are a bit dusty, but I do not care as I have an opinion and I NEED TO VOICE it..

Something which got my attention was: The first partial-facial transplant.
When I saw the bulletin on the BBC I was impressed. I saw and heard the lady speak in the televised conference, and though the facial muscles were nonfunctional, the aesthetic results were astounding. The only abnormality about her appearance, is that while speaking the mouth does not move and the face does not resume normal gestures. However, with physiotherapy and speech therapy both should improve dramatically. I feel for her for having to go through the constant gulping of medicine for the rest of her life and the worry that her body might reject the graft tissue.
a dichotomy which coexists: Some doctors try to 'reconstruct' beauty while others try to reconstruct faces...

Friday, February 03, 2006

الخلوة و ما أدراك ما الخلوة

I have come across this Islamic consultation in Alqabas, today’s issue page 22 section نور الإسلام. Needless to say, it revolted me..


عقدت الزواج على فتاة وقد دفعت المهر وقدره اربعة آلاف دينار كويتي، وقد أُخبرت قبل العقد ان البنت كان في ظهرها حرق وقد اجريت لها عملية تجميل في لندن وان الحرق حاليا غير واضح وانا وافقت على ذلك، ولكن تبين لي عدا ذلك وما رأيته بعيني ان الحرق مازال واضحا اضافة الى حروق في يديها، واخبرتني كذلك والدتها ان هناك آثار حروق في أحد إبطيها. وسؤالي الآن انني غير راض بذلك لعدم علمي به قبل الزواج.
- والسؤال الاهم هو اذا حدث الطلاق فهل يرجع إلي المهر؟ارجو النظر في الموضوع وابداء الحكم الشرعي ولكم جزيل الشكر.- واستفسرت اللجنة من الزوج فقرر ما كتبه في طلب الاستفتاء، وقال انه لم يدخل بها حتى الآن وقد حصلت بينهما خلوة.وقالت الزوجة: لقد اخبرته بكل شيء فقلت له ان جسمي فيه حروق ولم نحدد له حجم الحروق وقال ان ذلك ليس مهماً ما دام لا يؤثر في الحمل ثم بعد ذلك تم العقد، وحصلت بيننا خلوة واطلع على جسمي.
اجابت اللجنة بما يلي:ان عيب الحرق ليس من العيوب التي يفسخ بها الزواج، وحيث انه قد حصلت بينهما خلوة فتستحق المرأة كامل المهر، ثم ان طلقها فعليها العدة ولها فيها النفقة، وقد نصحتهما اللجنة بالتروي لعل الله يؤلف بينهما. والله اعلم.

How shallow can you get? Divorce a woman because she happened to have an extra patch of burn under her arm!
and I love how he's so worried about getting the bucks back from the traumatised wife..
She’s not damaged goods for a man to dispose of just because he did not have prior notice. I wonder what he will do to the next lady he marries when he realises that pregnancy can leave you with stretch marks!!!

Is it cats mating season or something?

I was awaken by a noisy horny cat at 4am, but the bloody thing is still around the house the whole day. Obviously the neighbourhood cats are using our house as a brothel..