Friday, March 24, 2006


Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance (HAMSA) is a project of the American Islamic Congress. The AIC is a Non-profit Organisation aiming at improving inter-faith relationships, and needless to say, are doing a great job! (Trust me folks I am not trying to kiss ass here).
Anyhow, they have come up with a contest for an essay from 600-2000 words max about Human civil rights in the Middle East. It can be written in English, Arabic, Farsi or French and is only open to under 26 year old. There are great prizes to be won and even a better chance to voice your opinion about sore issues in our region.

Click on the pictures for further information about HAMSA and the contest. Good luck for those who choose to enter!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Let's become German

من شروط الجنسية الألمانية قبول المثلية والعري؟
18/03/2006 برلين - دِبِأ - اثنى وزير الداخلية الالماني فولفغانغ شويبله على النموذج الهولندي لاختبار الاجانب الراغبين في الحصول على الجنسية الهولندية واعتبره 'مثيرا للاهتمام'.وقالت صحيفة بيلد تسايتونغ ان عدد السياسيين الالمان الذين ينادون بالاقتداء بالنموذج الهولندي في هذا المجال في تزايد.ويختبر الهولنديون مدى استعداد الاجانب الراغبين في الحصول على الجنسية الهولندية للعيش في هولندا وقبول مبادئها من خلال اسطوانة مدمجة بها صور لنساء عاريات على الشواطئ الهولندية ومثليين جنسيا يقبلون ببعضهم بعضا علنا.ونقلت الصحيفة عن نائب رئيس الكتلة البرلمانية للاتحاد المسيحي الديموقراطي قوله 'هذا القرص المدمج هو وسيلة نموذجية لتعريف الناس في وطنهم الحالي ليس فقط باللغة ولكن بالتاريخ والثقافة والنظام القانوني في المانيا'.وطالب شتيفان ماير، خبير الشؤون الداخلية في الحزب الاجتماعي البافاري بأهمية تعريف الاجانب الراغبين في العيش في المانيا، وبرر ذلك بأن بعض الدول الاسلامية تنفذ 'عقوبة الاعدام' نفسها على بعض اساليب وصور الحياة والتعبير المعترف بها في المانيا مثل ارتداء الزي المثير جنسيا فيما يعرف ب'موكب الحب' في المانيا او الجنس المثلي العلني حسب ما ذكره الخبير.

I think that this is a wise thing to do especially that it might help repel those fanatics who decide to reside in Western countries and then rake havoc in the name of Islam. Some people might find it explicit, having to watch porn and homosexulity on a CD. However, I think that it is the concept which one should pay attention to..

On another note, the good news (which I spoke about last Saturday) got confirmed today. I am so chuffed and I loved the girli scream my mum did when I told her over the phone..

Thank you my buddha for being such a great support :-*

Friday, March 17, 2006

Ya fancy a pint of Guinness mate?

This day has special memories. For the years I had spent in the UK, I endeavored to acquire a Guinness T-shirt which were only given away on St. Patrick's day. To my disappointment, when I finally got my hands on one, it fitted so tightly on my butt that it looked dire. oh well...
For those who celebrate it the traditional way
Happy St. Patrick's day everyone

Sunday, March 12, 2006

They say, good things come to those who wait...

I am still buried under my books and papers and the upcoming new event happening at work and completely unaware of what is on the news or the malls or the restaurants or blog-o-sphere..

I thought I'll take a bit of time off as I felt that my head was going to explode from the amount of information that is trying to squeeze into it. I keep on comforting myself that there is not long to go, but I can't get too comfortable as I still have so much to cover. you know, the usual dilemma of exam tension.

The babbler was eagerly awaiting certain news concerning her future. God only knows how long she was waiting for a little whiff of news, and the breakthrough came yesterday. I had to attend a meeting after my working hours concerning extra-curricular-work-related activities I engage in. While I was in the meeting, my senior spoke to me on the assumption that i knew about the good news, not realising that the desperado right opposite to him could not believe her ears. I had to endure a whole hour of serious and professional talk and was unable to show the slightest excitement. I SUFFERED! every time the senior spoke, I felt a mixture of butterflies, birds chirping, yes yes yes yes yes yes, and an urge to jump and cry and then I had to calmly switch to professional talk...lord it was hard.

Now, the good news are not official yet so I am trying to contain the excitement and will let it out on full blast once all formalities are done. No one knows about it apart from my Buddha and myself. I can't wait to make the news public, because I know how much my mother and friends will be happy for me..

guess what jan6a, you're not the only one who had a blissful March 11th

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

عذاب القبر

I am not here to preach anyone. This post is about an incident which happened at work and I just cannot contain how stupid (in my opinion) people can be when it comes to religion.
There is this clip which is circulating around by means of 'BlueTooth' and it is to do with this young chap who 'supposedly' never prayed, always listened to music..and so on. So, the clip is of how he looks like, 3 hours post burial and of being subjected to punishment in the afterlife for the sins he committed. Obviously, the body was Dug Up following burial:
but isn't that a sin itself??? and not to forget..a crime???
So, for the past two days the staff have been saying "oh my God, one must pray..shofaow 3athab el gaber..."
now, hold on a second people, don't you realise that when one dies, the soul departs the body? and when you get punished for your sins, it is the soul which is punished not the physical body? in fact, the soul never goes back into the body, otherwise the person is alive then!?!?!?

the problem is, no one even made this little analysis...

To top it all up, I get this text message, which is supposed to be a joke but I only see it as another form of degrading women in this sexist society:

تخيلوا الدنيا بدون حريم
- الأسواق هادية
- فلوس زايده
- شوارع فاضية
- افلاس شركات الإتصالات
- الشيطان ما عنده شغل
-دواء الضغط ماله لزوم
- كل الرجال يدخلون الجنة <= Now this I don't understand, اش ياب لياب؟؟؟