There is this clip which is circulating around by means of 'BlueTooth' and it is to do with this young chap who 'supposedly' never prayed, always listened to music..and so on. So, the clip is of how he looks like, 3 hours post burial and of being subjected to punishment in the afterlife for the sins he committed. Obviously, the body was Dug Up following burial:
but isn't that a sin itself??? and not to forget..a crime???
So, for the past two days the staff have been saying "oh my God, one must pray..shofaow 3athab el gaber..."now, hold on a second people, don't you realise that when one dies, the soul departs the body? and when you get punished for your sins, it is the soul which is punished not the physical body? in fact, the soul never goes back into the body, otherwise the person is alive then!?!?!?
the problem is, no one even made this little analysis...
To top it all up, I get this text message, which is supposed to be a joke but I only see it as another form of degrading women in this sexist society:
تخيلوا الدنيا بدون حريم
- الأسواق هادية
- فلوس زايده
- شوارع فاضية
- افلاس شركات الإتصالات
- الشيطان ما عنده شغل
-دواء الضغط ماله لزوم
- كل الرجال يدخلون الجنة <= Now this I don't understand, اش ياب لياب؟؟؟
what i find 'wrong' is for someone to take something like that, and actually attribute it to:
a) religion (in the body/grave incident)
b) our society (in the sms example)
y3ni elsara7a la menhom wala mn 7athretich
had you read it well temetwir, 7athritik would've noticed that your comment is a repeat of what my post was on about.
Made simpler.. you repeated what I said.
Didn't realize english was that difficult to realize :-)
how silly.. i totally agree with u ..
but religion is personal, to each his own..
got the sms too.. i laughed
ignorance ignorance ignorance!
I hate it when people don't use their head and think ishwaya!
beyond q8iya: I agree with you that religion is personal, if only they are brave enough to voice their own personal thoughts on that. They all conform to each other thoughts and when this happens, it no longer is personal. I know that had I been brave enough to say anything to them I'd be labelled 'kafra' or whatever. In our society or generally in the Muslim world, only a minority who'd tell you that religion is a personal thing.
jelly belly: I thought that ignorance would level off after spending many years abroad. However, I realised that when I got back that it had gotten worse
100% ma3a Ms. Jelly +
say if by some miracle the prophet himself was to re-appear & call for these people's support, a good 99.999% of who promote this stuff & glorify el9a7aba, & this ahl bait did this & that ahl bait did that would just distant themselves & flee O haatay excuses inna "sorry, but you're on your own sir, e7na nass warana dawamat".
wv: ummfk.. umah malat 3alayha ma tfakr
my buddha:
9u7 el sanek
6ab3an rabe3na ma yet-thakerown el dawam elaa laman yaboon el na7sha
لا تحاتي وايد ناس ما تصدق هالحجي و انا وحده منهم
اساميها اساليب غير ساميه للهداية
استغرب منها وايد يعني الاساليب السليمه وايد ليش نسوي جذي
مثل ناام لا اقزك ابره
I have entered this site by accedent and couldn’t stop myself from replying for this message
“ don't you realise that when one dies, the soul departs the body? and when you get punished for your sins, it is the soul which is punished not the physical body? in fact, the soul never goes back into the body, otherwise the person is alive then!?!?!? “
mister BABBLER!
Did you just say that God won’t punish us in our graves just because our souls have left us ? Do you have any idea about what you’re putting yourself through when you talk about something in religion that you have no clue about?
I do agree with you that digging a grave and find that the body looking all freaky might be something kind of hard to believe ..
But you should be frank weather you’re making fun of the video itself or the fact that we will be punished even before judgment day ( in our graves )
النار يعرضون عليها غدواً وعشياً ويوم تقوم الساعة أدخلوا ءال فرعون أشد العذاب ( سورة غافر / ءاية 46 )
Which means they’re getting punished before judgment day !
وعن ابن عباس رضي الله عنها قال: مرّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بقبرين، فقال: ( إنهما ليعذبان وما يعذبان في كبير، أما أحدهما فكان لا يستتر من البول، وأما الآخر فكان يمشي بالنميمة ) متفق عليه
And there are much more other evidences I can list here if anyone was more interested or still didn’t believe ..
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