Friday, September 23, 2005
Can we be friends?
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Realities of "تكويت القمامين"
اليوم في القبس, السيد محمد مساعد الصالح ما قصر في مقاله "تكويت القمامين" حيث اقترح أن الكويت عليها التخلص من عمال القمامة البنغاليين و تكويت عمال النظافة. المقال ظريف جداً و شوية يشوبه بعض أحلام اليقظة. أنا بس عندي ملاحظات صغيرونة
احنا ما خلصنا من التفرقة بين "الأصيل" و "المو أصيل" و الطائفية و العنصرية علشان نعطي مجال جديد للتفرقة بين الأوادم في الديرة
أبو طلال بّرقع عملية تكويت القمامين و قال " فتح كلية خاصة في جامعة الكويت يدخلها الحائز على الشهادة المتوسطة و تكون الدراسة فيها سنتين يتخرج بعدها الطالب ليعمل قمامي". أنا بعرف يعني على باله اذا طرح موضوع الشهادة راح يغري الكويتيين اللي على بالهم ان كل واحد عنده شهادة صار شي. و بعدين تخيّل القمامي لمّن يتخرج و أبوه يشتري له سيارة مرسيدس
و بعدين شنو راح يصير في العيد لمّن القمامين الكويتيين يبون يعيدون؟ أنا أتوقع راح يصير عندهم نظام الخفارة مثل الدكاترة. بعد شنو, هم جامعيين
طبعاً بو طلال نسى نحاسة الكويتيين. فإذا قمّام كويتي يبي ينتقم من واحد راح يهمل خمام بيته لمن يخيسون الأهل
و من منو القمامين راح يتزوجون؟
I think there will be a serious gene-pooling problem within the garbage- families’ community
أنا عندي اقتراح أحسن: ليش ما يجنسون عمال النظافة البنغاليين و خلاص؟ بهذه الطريقة راح تتم عملية التكويت بدون اية مشاكل جذرية تعرقل مسار حياة المواطن الكويتي المخلص لوطنه
P.S. There was no need to waste half of the column talking aimlessly just to slip in the fact that you have a flat in central London!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Nobility doesn't reside in your nationality
I watched a brief report on Mobility India Charity organisation. It is an organisation based in India and aims to serve disabled people, mainly, who lost function of their legs due to Polio. Taking into consideration the level of poverty in that part of the world, this organisation came up with a cheap way to replace limbs of disabled people. That was done in such a way that those prosthetic limbs are functional as well as modifiable as the individual grows or changes in needs. One has to mention that the prosthesis are hardly sightly, however are functional. I was really taken by what the people who worked for this organisation did.
They work so hard to perfect the gift of independence..
You might think now, but why the picture with the African children? well, this charity have done so well that they are going to extend their services to Ethiopia where similar high trends of disability due to polio exist. It is beautiful to see such non-profitable 'business' extending far and wide with the sole benefit of making others happy..
Friday, September 02, 2005
Advantages of living in Kuwait: 1. Public holidays
As days go by, I slowly come to realise the advantages of living in Kuwait. So, I decided to run this series about the positives of the lifestyle in this part of the world.
Today, the highlight is Public holidays.
During the past 2 weeks, I was suffering from serious shortage of sleep to the extent I thought I had some sort of illness. Work was, and will be, hectic especially as people are returning back from holidays. I cannot afford taking some time off, nor I had money to go away again after the disaster I endured few weeks back. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Saturday is a holiday for the celebration of 'Isra & Me3raj'. I decided to do serious sleep. Thankfully, after 2 nights of semi-hibernation, all the illness-like symptoms have disappeared and I can say that I am officially functional again. Had I been in the UK, this sleep-shortage would have accumulated for days on end until I came down with a flu.
Therefore, I would like to submit special Thanks to the hard-working, ever-so-sweating ministry officials for allowing us to have free-lazy days....
Now, you must be wondering why on earth I have Alicia Keys on this post? Well, I was hung on this album for the duration of the waking hours of this weekend. I had 'if I ain't got you' on repeat most of the time. Although I am mainly into alternative music, but I love Alicia's voice.