Saturday, September 10, 2005

Realities of "تكويت القمامين"

اليوم في القبس, السيد محمد مساعد الصالح ما قصر في مقاله "تكويت القمامين" حيث اقترح أن الكويت عليها التخلص من عمال القمامة البنغاليين و تكويت عمال النظافة. المقال ظريف جداً و شوية يشوبه بعض أحلام اليقظة. أنا بس عندي ملاحظات صغيرونة

احنا ما خلصنا من التفرقة بين "الأصيل" و "المو أصيل" و الطائفية و العنصرية علشان نعطي مجال جديد للتفرقة بين الأوادم في الديرة

أبو طلال بّرقع عملية تكويت القمامين و قال " فتح كلية خاصة في جامعة الكويت يدخلها الحائز على الشهادة المتوسطة و تكون الدراسة فيها سنتين يتخرج بعدها الطالب ليعمل قمامي". أنا بعرف يعني على باله اذا طرح موضوع الشهادة راح يغري الكويتيين اللي على بالهم ان كل واحد عنده شهادة صار شي. و بعدين تخيّل القمامي لمّن يتخرج و أبوه يشتري له سيارة مرسيدس

و بعدين شنو راح يصير في العيد لمّن القمامين الكويتيين يبون يعيدون؟ أنا أتوقع راح يصير عندهم نظام الخفارة مثل الدكاترة. بعد شنو, هم جامعيين

طبعاً بو طلال نسى نحاسة الكويتيين. فإذا قمّام كويتي يبي ينتقم من واحد راح يهمل خمام بيته لمن يخيسون الأهل

و من منو القمامين راح يتزوجون؟
I think there will be a serious gene-pooling problem within the garbage- families’ community

أنا عندي اقتراح أحسن: ليش ما يجنسون عمال النظافة البنغاليين و خلاص؟ بهذه الطريقة راح تتم عملية التكويت بدون اية مشاكل جذرية تعرقل مسار حياة المواطن الكويتي المخلص لوطنه

P.S. There was no need to waste half of the column talking aimlessly just to slip in the fact that you have a flat in central London!


Luckybellybuddha said...

Brilliant Ms. Babbler.
Loved the gene-pooling bit :-p

Babbler said...

Thank you mistletoe :D

Luckybellybuddha said...

my god babbler... you are so very welcome.. soo very welcome.

Babbler said...

enough with the sarcasim now :P

Luckybellybuddha said...

la wallah it is none of that.. You are welcome :-p)
Question is: would you marry me had I been a zabbal?
Meaning, with what type of na3al would your dad chase me out?

Babbler said...

Question is: are you proposing?

and I think my dad will chase after you with his favourite berkie down the fireeej!

Luckybellybuddha said...

i would if i knew that a zabbal CV would be approved, but you just told me what your dad would think of it... what if i turn out to be bigger than him? he might not be too keen on na3aling me then, would he now..:-P

Babbler said...

maybe that would be my dad's opinion of a zabbal's CV..
but you have not asked me about mine?

Luckybellybuddha said...

oooh, i know how you kuwaitiyat think.. I still carry a heel shaped mark on the back of my head..
but so that (attamim el 7ujja 3alaych),,, what is your opinion dear babbler?

Babbler said...

just to give you the satisfaction of how the kuwaitiyat think:

I think there will be a great intellectual and educational difference between a zabbal and myself..

Luckybellybuddha said...

not once they have a department of zebala in KU dear.
I could walk head high saying I am Jame3ee (but whisper when it comes to details)

Babbler said...

I just knew you'd say this!

you're so predictable mistle..

Luckybellybuddha said...
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Luckybellybuddha said...

oh, ok then... I'll take that as a No to my proposal & will now walk back home tail tucked & remain single for the rest of it

Babbler said...


well mistle, you're not any ordinary zabbal..

and the answer is yes :D

btw, start searching the bins for a rock to nestle on my wedding finger please :P

Luckybellybuddha said...

hmmmm... as I said, I'll go home now but perhaps will contemplate changing my line to something like nuclear engineering O ba3dane ra7 tmootoon 3alay o mara7 a36eekom wayh :-p

Luckybellybuddha said...

$#!T...Did you say Yes there.... In the rush of events my silly eyes over looked :"(
it still stands?

Jan6a said...

can i be invited to the wedding :P

ehehe kaify dasha 3arth! u 2 r just too cute !

Luckybellybuddha said...

Hmmm, I got no reply here so I guess it means (Mist, take a hike)…
Yallah, never mind, am gonna a7u6 shoroo6ee o maybe you'll fall for me here :-p
1. you'll have to tolerate the fact that I never diwaniya it & am always home early.
2. no 3egal wearing or dishdasha
3. I travel with my backpack & to nasty places sometimes but promise to always bring you out safe.
4. I cook, you wash up & if you decide to wash up, then I'll cook.
5. ironing on me (that includes your silk clothing & if I burn em, moo shoghlee).
6. if you ever go away on your own, you'll have to bring me back lots of licorice.
7. few tattoos here & there + piercing are demanded please (goes for me too if you'd like).
8. my pockets are always cleaner than the ass of a friday mosque imam, (a zabbal, aren't I?)
9. you'll have to tolerate my nightly story telling of adventures I encounter while bin cleaning all day.
10. what's mine is yours, what's yours is mine.
11. hide all your dad's na3als.
12. no pesticides at home please, I love all insects, roaches included.
13. if you ever choose to divorce me, then you'll have to give me a 6 months notice please, during which I'll try to trick you in wanting me back, if that fails. No divorce.
14. our base home .. India?.. open to change if you deem fit.
15. Jan6a must be invited to wedding (yallah, showaya tashjee3 minich Jan6ah please).
16. I love biting.
17. if you ever go mo7ajabah on me, it'll have to be black & thin see-through..:-p)
18. tolerate my candle burning habits.
19. bike ride with me please.
20. & finally, tolerate my every month flower sending to your work place :-)
now then.. shoroo6ich law sama7tay (knees shaking)

Babbler said...

mistle: are you sure that you overlooked it in the rush of events or because you rasik kubar all of a sudden lastnight (since you being a jami3i zabal and all)?

jan6a: we're still in the process, as you can see, of deciding if there will be a zabaleen wedding or not!

Babbler said...

My conditions are: (yours knees better be shaking now)
1.I want to be pampered and treated like a lady. will have to tolerate me fussing and looking after you.
3.I definitely do not want to live in Kuwait and certainly not Saudi Arabia.
4.I want to have a hen night and all bloggers (females, that is) have to be invited.
5.jan6a will be a bride’s maid.
6.whenever I am away, you will have to withstand all the stuff I bring home.
7.Don’t grow a beard (and in the future a tash) otherwise you will miss it when you wake up in the morning.
8.I love spending, and you better love it too.
9.I’ll allowed to get my groceries on a La Parilla baby pink scooter during winter (which you will obviously get for me).
10.Tolerate that I am hard to get when it comes to your 6-month divorce notice.
11.I know how to cook, but don’t like to do it.
12.I love tidying and cleaning, you will have to create the mess for me to clear it up again.
13.What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine :P
14.I do the washing up and laundry and you do the rest.
15.You will have to put up with my ‘a3sab’ walk, which is walking in circles whenever I am annoyed.
16.You better love how impulsive I can get sometimes.
17.You’ll have to be good at surprising me, because I am very clever.
18.You have to take care of the roaches!
19.You will have to tolerate all the story telling from my work place and how I suddenly get so proud of myself over nothing 
20.Piercings and tattoos, at least we have something in common.
21.Teach me how to bike-ride.
22.Put up with my passion for shoes and all things unique and ethnic.
23.Tolerate my superglue behaviour.
24.Pretend that you find my liking for piglets and hello kitty …etc is cute.

So, you can see for yourself that there is a VERY difficult task ahead of you mistle...

Jan6a said...

i feeel so special! maid of honor, min gady!!:p

mistletoe mawatny mn ilthu7ik wen u said :
"I cook, you wash up & if you decide to wash up, then I'll cook."

sneaky one aren't u... and i agree with shroo6 babbler! 3ashat 3aroosatna

Jan6a said...

heheh brides maid = maid of honor.. all is good just as long as im not the flower girl.

Luckybellybuddha said...

Jan6ah = :-*

Temetwir said...

i think thats what he meant : why do we still have all that in our society

it wasnt really about his apartment in london

Luckybellybuddha said...

1. sure thing, though glad you didn't say I want to be moonyed as they are more pricey.
2. dearest,,, fuss as you please, just don't tickle my feet :-)
3. so mutual. But I disagree on Saudi though… been my dream to settle down there.
4. your treat?
5. cool. Happy me :-)
6. so long as it doesn't involve whips & cuffs.
7. hmmm… I always found skinhead women attractive too :-p
8. amendment to my article 10, what's mine is mine :-p
9. didn't get this one.. pc monitor flickering for some reason..
10. pc jammed.
11. liar.
12. that you won't need to worry about. Promise.
13. yep, fully agree. Of course reminding you here with article 8 of my terms.
14. I am getting a top load washing machine by the way...ok?
15. Can I hold your hair & circle behind you too with my eyes closed?
16. I do so very much.
17. hmmmm, clever you are & I admit, but I don't think any of my surprises have failed so far…mo?
18. my condition too. Please don't kill em.
19. I think you know the answer to this so verrrrrrry well.
20. Babbler…. At least you say ? :-/
21. in the book. Sure.
22. so long as you keep high heels away.
23. again.. mutual.
24. I think it is bbbllr, its very cute.
Ok… next will be my set, zain? Lets check babbler's stamina then :-*

Babbler said...

you're being a great sport here...keep it up and you won't get downgraded to a flower girl :P

It is nice to see you commenting here :D
Everyone can interpret things differently. bu 6alal was not telling us about his flat, but in my opinion it was unnecessary for it to be mentioned there. I think his idea of takweet al qamameen is very good, however it is plagued by many obstacles that are deeply rooted into our society.

Jan6a said...

babbler i know mu shu'3ly hehe bs as ur bride's maid i was curious about ur "superglue behavior" hehe do u mean like ' 3ilch.. talzigeen ib awadim' hehe or smelling it or playing around with it.

Babbler said...

I have a thing for using superglue to stick my hand to my me3ris-to-be hand so that ma yaflet mini...

a good way to have an ever lasting relationship..

Jan6a said...

hmm.. babbler im not buying it :p